Servicing all of Brisbane
Sunshine Coast, Moreton

Bed Bug Gallery

Major infestation of bedbugs.

Found on a timber slate of a bed

Bed bugs found in Wardrobe after shaking clothes after a treatment

Found on slates of a bed

This camper van had to be fumigated the back packers shared many sleepless nights sharing their van with bed bugs.

Bed bugs on mattress piping

close up of bed bugs and eggs found on a couch

close up of bed bugs and eggs found on a couch

Bed bugs found under furniture

Bedbugs and eggs can be seen in the cracks of a brick wall found in a Brisbane home.

Bed bugs and bed bug dropping from around the edge of a mattress

Bed bugs and bed bug dropping from around the edge of a mattress

what bedbug bites look like on a person. Brisbane termite treatments - bedbug treatments

evidence of bed bugs found on a base of a sofa

evidence of bed bugs found on a base of a bed

Back packers discovered bed bugs in the back of their van and could not sleep at night

bed bugs found around a skirting board in a bed room

Describe your image.

Bed Bugs found on base of a bed. This house needed bed bug treatments

Mattress encasement for bed bug protection and bed bug treatment.

Adult bed bug and what it looks like. Bed bug pest control Brisbane
Call us on tel: 07 3823 2500 for a quick appointment.
If you think you have bed bugs, don’t panic. There is no need to throw out all the bedding or beds. We use proven methods and the latest technology to eliminate bed bugs. Our bed bug pest control treatments are based on quick response to the bed bug problem and include an ongoing program to prevent re-infestations.