Servicing all of Brisbane
Sunshine Coast, Moreton

Pest Control & Termite Protection for Body Corporations
Hassle-Free Pest Control Solutions for All Your Body Corp Needs
Welcome to Results Termite and Pest Control Services, your trusted partner in body corporation/strata title management. With over 30 years of experience, we specialise in providing comprehensive pest control, termite inspection, and termite protection services for both common and lot properties. We recognise the unique requirements and responsibilities of body corporates, lot owners, and building complexes, and work closely with all parties to deliver outstanding results.
Whether you need pest control or termite inspections for units, townhouses, or high-rise unit complexes, our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way. Let us handle the quotation and management of the required services, ensuring a pest-free and protected environment for your property.

Partner with us to ensure a pest-free, safe living environment for your residents. We're committed to delivering an effective and hassle free pest control services, taking the worry out of pest control and termite protection. Contact us today to learn more about our customized solutions designed specifically for body corporations.

Our services for body corps and residential complexes include:
Mosquito Treatments
Rodent Control
Termites and body corps - Who's problem is it anyway?
Here are a couple of legal opinions that we use as guidelines, and maybe helpful to you.
One of the most contentious issues with a lot of owners and management of body corporates is regarding termites; and WHO is responsible for any termite damage, termite inspections and termite protection.
In schemes subject to a building format plan, the body corporate typically bears responsibility for termite damage, regardless of whether it occurs on common property or a lot.

In the case of a body corporate subject to a standard format plan, there are distinct maintenance responsibilities for the structural elements of the lot. Under this arrangement, the individual owner assumes responsibility for termite damage found within their lot, unless they can demonstrate:
The body corporate breached its duty to maintain common property by failing to undertake adequate pest control; and
The termites came from common property, and therefore caused the damage to the lot.

If an owner fails to maintain their lot, resulting in damage to another lot or common property, they may be held liable.
A body corporate may also be liable if it does not maintain common property and that results in damage to a lot.
Results Termite and Pest Control Services offers comprehensive pest control packages that provide benefits to both the body corporate and individual lot owners at a competitive price. We strongly believe that effective property protection, whether it's common property or individual lots, is best achieved through close collaboration and communication among all parties involved.
Results Termite and Pest Control Services is your trusted choice for dealing with pest and termite issues. We offer the additional option to work closely with each lot owner, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free process for pest control and termite work.
To find out more about our full pest control and termite services, phone 3823 2500 and talk to one of our friendly staff. Or just send us a request for a quote by email, and we will reply quickly to your request.