Servicing all of Brisbane
Sunshine Coast, Moreton

Tick Pest Control for your Yard
Brisbane & Surrounding Areas
Tick control is applied by spraying a fine mist treatment into and onto the foliage on your property, as well as around your house which includes trees, gardens, lawns and pool areas, creating a tick & mosquito free barrier.
By creating a special barrier around your home, we can ensure your property will stay tick-free for the tick season. The latest treatments in Tick & Mosquito control are now available to you. At Results Termite Management and Pest Control Services, we will help reclaim your backyard for summer and make it safe for you and your pets. Call us on tel: 07 3823 2500.
This treatment is extremely effective and may last for up to 3 months*. (Top-up treatment is recommended for 4-6 weeks during the tick season).
A Helping Hand In The Community
At Results Home Services, we are committed to supporting our local wildlife rescue centres. As tick season approaches, native animals, including those at the Qld Koala Society rescue centre, are at risk of tick infestations. We are proud to offer our services and expertise to help protect these animals from ticks. Our team of skilled technicians is trained to carry out specialised tick treatments using environmentally friendly sprays. With our dedicated approach to tick prevention, we ensure the utmost care for the environment while effectively safeguarding against ticks.

A little bit about the paralysis tick
The Paralysis Tick is the single most dangerous parasite for dogs here in Brisbane and in fact for the whole eastern coast of Australia. Just one tick bite is capable of causing paralysis and death. At Results Termite and Pest Control Services, we have the latest solutions for providing a tick-free zone around your property to protect your family and all your pets.

Paralysis ticks will attack you, your pet dogs, cats and any other warm blooded animal but dogs are the most commonly infected of all domestic pets.
The paralysis tick will use three hosts to complete its life cycle. As an egg, it hatches on the ground to become a larva. It will then climb onto nearby long grass or trees to wait for its first host in order to attack. After penetrating the skin and gorging on blood, the tick will drop off to the ground, moult and become a nymph as it waits for its next victim.
Again, it will feast on you or your pets, drop to the ground, moult and attack its third and final victim. Here it penetrates your skin again in order to feast one last time only to then drop off and lay as many as 3,000 eggs in two weeks – before it dies.
Ticks do not always attach themselves as soon as they reach a suitable host. They may wander around you or your pet’s skin for a day or so. Males look for an unfertilized female, and females look for a great place to attach to you where they will gorge themselves for as long as three weeks.

How does the tick cause paralysis?
The tick sucks blood from the host and secretes saliva that contains toxins, which are absorbed and cause signs of paralysis and poisoning.

A preventive tick treatment of your yard will prove to be far cheaper than a visit to the local vet. We have had customers tell us that they have spent anywhere from $850 to $2000 on vet bills for their pet to be treated for ticks.