l Tips of keeping Mozzies away | Termite and Pest Control Services | Brisbane
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Tips and hints for keeping those mozzies away

Mosquito pest control

Tip 1 – Mosquitoes are attracted to dark clothing

mosquito prevention
Tips for preventing mosquitoes - brisbane termite treatments

Avoid wearing heavy, dark clothing in warm weather. Mosquitoes are attracted to warm bodies, so staying cool is an effective way to avoid bites. They also appear to like black, blue and red the most.

Tip 2 – Mosquitoes are weak fliers
Mosquito pest controller
tips for preventing mosquitos around the home - brisbane termite treatments

Place a fan on your deck by where you sit to keep mosquitoes away.

Mosquito prevention
tips for preventing mosquitos around the home - brisbane termite treatments
Tip 3 – Mosquitoes are not attracted to bananas

We’ve heard it, but the latest research shows that Vitamin B12 found in Banana’s has no impact on mosquitoes biting, nor does eating banana.

Tip 4 – Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide
tips for preventing mosquitos around the home - brisbane termite treatments

A female mosquito begins locating prey by detecting carbon dioxide emitted by animals when they exhale and through their skin. Odours that can act as attractants can be used to lure mosquitoes away from us into traps.

Tip 5 – Mosquitoes are the most deadly animal in the world
tips for preventing mosquitos around the home - brisbane termite treatments
Get rid of mosquitos

The biggest danger to humans are mosquitoes, who kill over 725,000 as carriers of malaria and other diseases.

Treat yourself to a mosquito-free summer

Mosquito control is applied by spraying a fine mist treatment into and onto the foliage on your property, around your house including decks, up into eaves and pool areas creating a mosquito-free barrier. This treatment is extremely effective and may last anywhere up to 3 months*.  (Top-up treatment is recommended for 4-6 weeks).


Call the Mosquito Pest Control Professionals at Results Termite and Pest  Control Services. We will help reclaim your backyard for summer and help to make your special event mosquito free!   Call us on tel: 07 3823 2500

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