One of the first and most common questions to answer when discussing termite protect for homes in Brisbane – “What is the best termite protection for my home?”
Think of every type of home built in Brisbane and then every type of soil condition. Is the home on flat ground or is it cut into a hillside? The answer to this is that there really is not just one easy answer – it depends on many factors. The list of issues that will determine the best termite protection for your home is long, and that’s why it is recommended to all homeowners to have your home inspected by a licence termite professional technician at least yearly. What was or is “the best termite treatment plan” for your neighbour’s home may not be the “best termite treatment plan” for your home. It will depend on a range of factors, the main one being the construction of the house, then the soil type and slope of the block, and the species of termites either attacking your home or putting pressure on your home.
At Results Termite Treatments and Pest Management Services, after we inspect your home, we will offer you our recommendations, based on all these factors affecting your home. Our recommendation may include one or several options that will best suit your home.
So what are my options for termite protection of my home?
Chemical soil termite treatments (Barrier)

Chemical soil termite treatments are designed to create a complete treatment zone around the perimeter and subfloor areas (if you have a subfloor) of your home. Soil around piers and any internal walls in the sub-floor and the perimeter of the home must be treated to prevent termite entry. Chemical barriers work with the physical elements of your house, such as the concrete slab or any ant cappings. This helps to prevent the termites entering your home unseen.
While the industry terminology is to call a chemical soil treatment a ‘barrier’, we liken a chemical soil treatment as a “moat.” As a “Barrier”, this brings up images of the Great Wall of China or the Berlin Wall and the Maginot Line. History has taught us that, just like a moat, a “barrier” needs to be constantly inspected or monitored for possible attack and breaches.
A termite Barrier will not stop termites trying to get into your home. If there is a lot of termite activity around your property, termites will try their best to find a way in. However, when a termite soil treatment is correctly applied around your home that also complements the physical protection (slab/capping) of the home, it will shut out any possible breaches by termites. Often, this may force the termite to reveal their workings (mud tubes), and if you are having the recommended regular inspection, the problem can be dealt with quickly. When correctly installed, a chemical soil treatment “Barrier” is the preferred and most complete method of protecting a property from termites. However, often, there may be a reason, i.e., soil types or construction issues that may not allow a complete and continuous chemical treated zone to be applied. Any gap in the treated zone might allow termites to enter your home.
Termite monitoring and baiting stations

Termite monitoring and baiting stations eliminate termite colonies in a safe
and non-invasive way. Termite monitoring and baiting stations should be used when a full chemical soil treatment cannot be installed fully around your home. There are a few companies that will only offer a Baiting system to protect your home; these baiting systems often are very expensive, especially when you add up the cost over a 5-year period. If your home has had a termite attack, then your first consideration is a full chemical soil treatment (barrier), as this will be the only treatment that will ensure the original termite point of entry is protected. If you are offered only a baiting system to protect your home, it would be wise to ask them to supply a 5-year costing, as this is the life of a chemical barrier.

The design behind termite monitoring and baiting stations is that, correctly placed around the perimeter of your home, they should intercept any termite activity in the area before they get to your home. The bait stations containing wood attractive to termites are installed in the ground at every 3-4 metres. The bait stations must be checked every 2-3 months by a pest professional to see if termites are feeding on the wood. Active termites feed on the highly attractive bait food source and translocate the no repellent chemical to other members of the colony, at levels undetectable by those termites, until the colony collapses.
How to get the best termite protection for your home
Be aware of pest companies pushing only one treatment type without justification. At Results Termite Treatments and Pest Management Services, we take a holistic approach to recommending termite protection for your home. Not only do we consider the best termite protection for your home, but we are proactive in thinking about the safety impact of you, your family, and the environment when we install termite protection to your home.
For more information about the best termite protection for your home, please call us on 38232500.