We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions from customers regarding a chemical termite barrier and its role in chemical barrier protection.
Q: What is a Chemical Barrier?

A: Also referred to as perimeter soil treatment, it is a chemical barrier around your home. Termiticide is injected into the surrounding soil to create a protected zone.
Q: How does a chemical barrier work?
A: WWhen installing a chemical barrier, choose either Termidor or Altriset. In some cases, our qualified technician will recommend a particular termiticide that best suits your needs. Both chemicals are non-repellent termiticides. Unlike a repellent termiticide, termites are unaware of the treatment and unknowingly pass through the treated area and pick up the chemical. They then transfer it on to other termites, eradicating the entire colony.
Repellent termiticides repel termites and kill them when they encounter the treated area. It sounds good in theory, but chemical barriers using repellent termiticides do not eradicate the colony, placing a lot of pressure on the chemical barrier. The termites eventually find a weak point. Once they do, they have an all-access pass to your home.
Q: What does installing a chemical barrier involve?
A: Our technicians dig a trench along the exterior walls of your home and flood it with your chosen termiticide before replacing the soil. Most houses have concrete pathways or patio areas right up against the slab. In these cases, we remove pavers (if and when we can) and drill holes 200mm to 300mm apart along the external perimeter and inject your chosen termiticide into the soil beneath.
After Results Home Services has finished installing a chemical barrier, you can barely tell where we have drilled. We then fill the drilled holes with colour-matched mortar and replace any pavers we may have lifted. Our technicians take great pride in their work and will always go the extra mile to preserve the look of your concrete when installing a termite barrier in Brisbane.

Q: I don’t have termites. Do I need a chemical barrier?
A: Yes. We get asked this question a lot, and our response is: How lucky do you feel? As no home insurance covers termite damage, having a chemical barrier as a preventative measure is a form of insurance.
Unfortunately, while there are risk factors that make a termite attack more likely, there is no way to know whether termites will target your home. All you can do is be prepared. For most of us, a house is our greatest asset, so why leave its safety up to chance? You would not drive around without car insurance, so why take the risk with your home?
Q: Are all termiticides the same?
A: No. As discussed previously, there are repellent and non-repellent termiticides. Always go with the latter, as it is a far superior means of termite protection. At Results Home Services, we use the latest technology, so we only work with Termidor or Altriset when installing a barrier. Both brands lead the way in termite treatment and management.
You may find a pest controller offering to install a chemical barrier for a price almost too good to be true. That is because it probably is. When it comes to chemical barriers, it is a case of getting what you pay for.
So, when looking at quotes, you should always ask the pest controller what termiticide they will use. There are various generic Termidor ‘knockoffs’ available. So, if your pest controller says they will use something like Termidor but cheaper, seek out other quotes. If they are willing to compromise on the chemical protecting your home, what else will they compromise on?
Q: Is there a warranty on a chemical barrier?
A: Yes. YYour chemical barrier carries a five-year warranty subject to annual inspections. Some termiticide manufacturers state their chemical lasts up to eight years in the soil. However, the misconception is that it carries a warranty for up to eight years.
The fine print states it is up to the installer to warranty the chemical barrier according to local climatic and environmental conditions. Environmental factors like rainfall, heat and moisture cause the soil and any chemical present in the soil to degrade.
Naturally, as more moisture and heat are present in Queensland, the soil degrades faster than in Tasmania, which is why insurance companies will only insure a chemical barrier for five years in Queensland.
Some pest controllers are offering an eight-year warranty on a chemical barrier. The question is whether they have insurance to cover the eight years. The answer with be a definite no. No insurer will cover a chemical barrier past five years. So, you have to wonder why a pest controller would offer an eight-year warranty when neither their insurer nor the manufacturer is willing to.
Q: What payment options are available?
A: We accept cash, cheque, or credit card. We realise that most households do not budget for a termite attack. So, we have teamed up with Certegy Ezi-Pay and can offer 12-month, interest-free payment plans for chemical barrier treatments. Ezi-Pay has simple payment options to fit most household budgets.
It provides peace of mind knowing your home (and greatest asset) is immediately protected from termites.
Future-Proof your Greatest Asset
Thinking about installing a termite barrier in Brisbane to protect your home from termites? Call us now and speak to one of our friendly staff about having a qualified technician come out to give you a quote.

We realise that most households don’t budget for a termite attack, so we have teamed up with Certegy Ezi-Pay and are able to offer 12 month, interest-free payment plans for chemical barrier treatments. Ezi-Pay has simple payment options which fit most household budgets. It provides peace of mind knowing your home (and greatest asset) is immediately protected from termites.
Contact Us
Thinking about installing a chemical barrier to protect your home from termites? Call us now on 3823 2500 and speak to one of our friendly staff about having one of our qualified technicians out to quote.