The growth that we have seen in the community of Wakerley and Gumdale over the last few years has been amazing and no better way to understand the growth is to see how Gumdale State School has grown from a little country school it was just a few short years ago to the large school with now over 900 pupils. The now well established Eastside Village Shopping Centre with one of my favourite café, Winegums, serving some of best coffee around. Let’s not forget some of the other great cafés all serving us all well; we have a great community to enjoy.
But as we all relax and enjoy the lifestyle of our semirural suburbs of Gumdale and Wakeley, there has been a major termite problem impacting many of the homes that were built over the last few years. Only last year both Gumdale and Wakeley suburbs made the news for all the wrong reason thanks to termites. As a local Termite and Pest Control Company we have seen a sharp increase in termite activity in the area with termites breaching physical barriers and gaining entry into homes.

Much of the termite problem is due to the fact that most homes built in Gumdale or Wakerley do not have Chemical Barrier protection and are just relying on Physical Barriers placed down when the house was built like Termimesh or Kordon to expose termite activity. While both these product are good, the real downside to these products is that home owners often think it will mean there home is infallible to a termites.

The fact is that these products are designed to do just what the old tin ant capping’s (Ant Caps) did to protect homes built in the 1950’s. The tin ant capping was designed to expose any termite activity so that the termites could then be before they did any major damage the home.
Don’t make the same mistake many Gumdale and Wakerley home owners have been making and that is to think because their home is newish and has the latest ant capping technologic (Termimesh/Kordon) that termites will not try to attack their homes.
The warranty for both these products state that you must have your home inspected for termites every 12 months. Why? Because they know that there is a very good chance that termites could breach their product and do serious damage to your home and that is also why the Australian Standards state that your home should be inspected every 6-12 months.
As a locally based Termite and Pest Control Company Results Home Services has been looking after and protecting Gumdale and Wakerley homes from termites for over 25 years. We are fully aware of the increased termite risk your home may be at and our recommendation to you is to start with a full termite inspection and then we will be able to recommend the correct termite management plan to fully protect you home from any termite attack.
If you feel that your home may be one of the high risk homes in Gumdale or Wakerley or you are not sure that your home has the right termite protection then a simply phone us and we can organise an inspection or organise a fee call out to check your home. We can offer you some free advice on how best to protect your home from termites, just call us today 38232500 and find out how we can help you protect your home from termites.